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Dhokla and Green Chutney Recipe: Healthy & Delicious!

dhokla & green chutney
Dhokla and green chutney – it’s like having savoury cake for breakfast!

With roots from Gujarat, India, dhokla is a vegetarian savoury ‘cake’ and can be found in Northern Indian restaurants in Malaysia. Typically served during breakfast, it can also be served as a snack and is often accompanied by chutney.

We’ve put together a tasty, healthy and nutritious recipe for you, pairing it with a fresh green chutney that’s easy to make and requires no actual cooking!


For the dhokla:

For the seasoning:


  1. Sift the gram, besan or chickpea flour and semolina flour together.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients, excluding Eno, to the flour and stir well until it reaches a pouring consistency.
  3. Add the Eno and stir it through the batter.
  4. Pour the batter into a round 9” cake pan.
  5. Steam the mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes until it achieves a cake-like consistency, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean.
  6. While the batter is steaming, heat the oil for the seasoning. Add in mustard and sesame seeds, curry leaves and dried chili and fry until fragrant.
  7. Once the dokhla is ready, pour the seasoning over the dhokla.
  8. To serve, cut the dhokla into cubes and serve with a side of chutney.
The dhokla steaming away


Cut the dhokla into cubes and arrange them on a pretty plate
Green chutney ingredients
  1. Add all the ingredients above into a handheld blender and blend the mixture until smooth. That’s it!
  2. Finally, pour a generous helping next to the dhokla and serve.
Extra tips

As an additional topping, feel free to sprinkle some desiccated coconut over the dhokla. Yum.
