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Ginger Beef Kway Teow: A Tasty Recipe for a Happy Tummy

ginger beef kway teowGinger Beef Kway Teow – gooey, tasty goodness

Charred flat rice noodles topped with a slightly sticky, silky, beef, ginger and egg sauce, ginger beef kway teow is not always the prettiest dish to look at but when done right, it comes together in a delightful burst of textures and flavours. Smoky, meaty, a little zingy and fresh, the noodles are soft and maybe even a little squishy, while the braised beef is tender. Spring onions and ginger give you a little bite, and the sauce is entirely slurp-worthy. It’s the kind of dish that makes you wish you weren’t in a restaurant so you can lick the entire plate clean.

Ginger beef kway teow is not commonly made at home but it’s not actually a difficult dish to put together. It takes some preparation, but comes together very quickly in the wok. Plus, think of the mirth you’ll experience as you bite into chopstickfuls after chopstickfuls of this moreish dish, especially knowing you made it yourself. We think it’s time for a little tummy happiness, don’t you?


Method: the kway teow
  1. Heat and season your wok by wiping a thin layer of oil around it with a paper towel. You will know your wok is hot enough when the layer of oil has dried up and the wok seems to glow.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons cooking oil. If your wok is hot enough, the oil will be sufficiently hot in a few seconds. Otherwise, let it reach a temperature of 180°C to 200°C. You also want to oil to start smoking for extra flavour.
See the smoke start to rise?
  1. Next, add the kway teow and fry it until a light golden brown, about 1 minute. Do this by tossing the noodles in the oil. If you have sufficient space, ventilation and skills, use the flame to lick the noodles, which will give it a nice, smoky charred taste. This will also seriously impress your date.
Once the kway teow goes in…
Can you see the kway teow being tossed into the air? Don’t do this at home, kids!
The perfect shade of light golden brown… please excuse the mess…
  1. Remove the kway teow and put in a serving bowl.
Method: the sauce
  1. Add another 3 tablespoons of cooking oil. When hot, add in garlic and both cuts of ginger. Fry until fragrant and the garlic has browned lightly.
Garlic and ginger into the wok
  1. Add in beef and stir until cooked.
And then the beef
  1. Next, add in oyster sauce, soy sauce and sesame oil. Stir through the ingredients.
The sauces go in next
  1. Give the corn starch mixture a quick stir and add it to the wok. Stir it through for a second or two, then add in prawn stock, salt, sugar and pepper. Stir until the sauce browns and thickens.
In goes to corn starch to help thicken the sauce
And then comes the stock
Nicely thickened up
  1. Turn the fire off and pour egg whites over the sauce. Quickly stir through to create fine strands of egg whites.
Strands of egg white in the sauce
  1. Pour the ginger beef sauce over the noodles and add parsley and spring onions on top to decorate.
  2. Serve hot.
Extra tips
  1. When buying kway teow, don’t go for the ones that are refrigerated as those don’t tend to last as long as the ones that are not.
  2. For better distribution of flavour, make sure the kway teow noodles are separated into individual strands. As they can be quite fine and hard to spot, focus especially on the lumps that clump together.
  3. Tossing your kuey teow can get really messy. Even the best of chefs will find strands of noodles landing in random places. Be prepared for a clean-up.
  4. You can also use chicken or vegetable stock instead of prawn.
  5. If you want, you can also add the kway teow back into the thickened sauce and mix them up together first before serving.
  6. Avoid preparing this dish, especially the sauce, in advance, as the starch can break down resulting in a watery sauce instead.

So are you ready to give this ginger beef kway teow recipe a go? Tag us on #butterkicap if you do!
