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Refresh with This Passion Fruit Mango Crepe Cake Recipe

Credit: Gerald Lee

Credit: Gerald Lee

Crepe cakes may look complicated with the many pretty layers but trust me, they are super easy to make! You get to have cake, but you don’t need an oven or any other fancy baking equipment to make it.

Previously, I have shared with you a yam crepe cake recipe and based on your warm response, I decided to give a fresh twist to it and there you have it! A passion fruit and mango crepe cake was created. The cake was easy to make and it is super delish! Now, I have a small reminder. Making a crepe cake requires a lot of time and steps. So, to save time, you can prepare the passion fruit curd first before starting on making the crepes.

So let’s get started and trust me, the end result is going to be one satisfyingly beautiful and delicious piece of cake.


a) Crepe Batter

b) Cream Filling

c) Passion fruit Curd

d) Topping


a) Passion Fruit Curd

  1. Remove the flesh from the passion fruits and run it through a sieve. Collect only the juices and set aside 2 tablespoons of the seeds separately into another bowl.
  2. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together.
  3. Mix in the passion fruit juice into the egg mixture,
  4. On a double boiler, at medium heat, constantly stir the mixture till it thickens.
  5. Take it off the heat and mix in all the butter,
  6. Place a cling wrap onto the curd, let it cool and keep in the fridge.

b) Crepe Batter

  1. In a bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, melted butter, oil, milk, vanilla and passion fruit essence until well combined.
  2. Add in the cake flour and salt.
  3. Sieve the mixture once to ensure there are no lumps.
  4. Set aside to rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Grease a non-stick cooking pan with 1 tablespoon of oil. Wipe off the excess oil with a kitchen towel to ensure the cooking pan is not greasy.
  6. Heat the pan on medium heat for 2 minutes.
  7. Once the pan is hot, switch the heat to low, add in about 3 tablespoons of batter, or enough to lightly coat the bottom of the pan. Swirl the skillet as you add the batter to evenly coat the bottom of the pan.
  8. Cook for about 30 seconds per side or until lightly golden then flip using a thin-edged spatula and let cook for another 30 seconds or until the second side is golden.
  9. Gently remove the crepe to a flat wide plate and allow the layers to cool to room temperature before stacking and icing them.

c) Cream Filling

  1. Combine heavy cream, icing sugar and vanilla bean paste together in a bowl.
  2. Whisk at medium speed until it starts to thicken a little, switch to high speed.
  3. Whisk until cream has thickened but do not over mix as it will separate.

d) Assemble the Crepe Cake

  1. Place one layer of crepe on a cake board.
  2. Spread 2 tablespoons of cream at the center of the crepe, spread 1 tablespoon of passion fruit curd on top of the cream layer and spread evenly until the edge of the crepe. Spread the passion fruit curd on top of the whipped cream after every 5 layers. There is no need to spread the curd on every layer.
  3. Repeat step 2 with all the layers except for the last layer. Only spread a layer of passion fruit curd and spread the seeds evenly.
  4. Evenly spread the excess cream at the side of the crepe.
  5. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour.
  6. Just before serving, top with fresh mangoes.

Citrus-y, Delicious and Fluffy!

Do you like this passion fruit mango cake recipe? While it takes a lot of patience to make it from scratch, it is worth the effort and time. A small bite of this light, fluffy cake goes a long way.

If you want more feel good recipes such as this one, check out some of my recipes that I have shared on Butterkicap. If you have any questions, don’t be shy to ask them via my Instagram account @justinescakesandkueh or at @butterkicap.
