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Slow-Cooked Salmon with Chilli Bean Tomato Sauce

Credit: Norwegian Seafood Council


Slow-cooked Norwegian Salmon is not just healthy but also best in bringing out the flavour in the salmon itself, don’t you think?

Prosperity in Yoo

Celebrating Chinese New Year is all about ensuring you do everything that would welcome wealth, prosperity, longetivity and all-year-round luck. This includes preparing the proper dishes to symbolise all the good things you wish to have in surplus.

Fish is one of the main ingredients used for a Chinese New Year feast because fish (鱼 Yú /yoo/), in Mandarin, sounds very much like ‘surplus’. The Chinese believe in eating the good symbols in order to achieve and keep positive vibes around them. That’s something we should do too!


Cook with Norwegian Salmon This Chinese New Year

Norwegian Salmon marketed here are vetted out by the Norwegian Seafood Council to ensure that you and your family consume salmon that is safe and fresh. Besides fulfilling the one criteria of a must-have Chinese New Year dish, salmon is known to be beneficial to your health due to its high omega-3 content and vitamin B.

So, try out this delicious salmony chinese new year recipe by the Norwegian Seafood Council and wow your family members with it!






Don’t Just Eat, Share!

We really hope this recipe is able to fulfil your fish cravings. If not, try out another two salmon recipes by the Norwegian Seafood Council; Steamed Salmon Head and Deep-Fried Salmon Cubes.

Do not forget to put the hashtags #butterkicap and #norwegianseafoodcouncil and #norwegiansalmon when sharing the tempting pictures on social media.

Better yet, share this wonderful chinese new year recipe with family and friends to spread the prosperity around!
